Indian Wealth Management Forum 2019 - Exclusive Insights - Neha Pathak - 2

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1. What are the most common concerns of HNW & UHNW clients?

Video transcript

1. What are the most common concerns of HNW & UHNW clients?

The most common concerns of the HNIs or the HNWs are that they should transfer their wealth to the rightful beneficiaries. The rightful beneficiaries can be people who are benefiting from their wealth, can be charitable institutions, can be people whom they like, their partners whom they are not married to, or people whom they are married to, or to accompany whom they are been working for. So, it can be anything, but they would want it to go to the rightful beneficiaries. Nowadays, the problem which happens over here in India is that, a lot of times, it does not go to the rightful beneficiary because we would have to go ask for the succession laws. So, to deal with the succession laws and to deal with those problems, happen to be the biggest worry of the HNIs in India nowadays.

More videos from Neha Pathak, Motilal Oswal Private Wealth

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