How can investors engage China in the year of the Rabbit?

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1. How does a firm build a digital assets strategy?

2. What are the consequences of not having a digital assets strategy?

3. What asset classes and opportunities are interesting today?

4. How did the market evolve last year? And what's next?

Video transcript

1. How does a firm build a digital assets strategy?

2. What are the consequences of not having a digital assets strategy?

3. What asset classes and opportunities are interesting today?

4. How did the market evolve last year? And what's next?

  • How is China emerging form Covid-19 restrictions? Will this super-charge the economy?
  • Where do you find the best value this years and what are the risks to avoid?
  • What is GAM’s approach to maximising this opportunity?


For institutional, professional investors and financial intermediaries only and not for retail or public use.

More videos from Jian Shi Cortesi, GAM Investments

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