Bringing a quality investment engine to Asia's wealthy

Chandrima Das of Bento

May 22, 2017

In a video interview, Chandrima Das of Bento explains how the firm brings a high-quality investment engine to its clients – which is risk-based, forward-looking and built with the investors’ preferences in mind.

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1. How does the investment engine within Bento work, and why is this unique?

2. What is wrong with how many people today think about investments?

3. What changes would you like to see within the regulatory environment, to help make your value proposition more relevant?

Video transcript

1. How does the investment engine within Bento work, and why is this unique?

2. What is wrong with how many people today think about investments?

3. What changes would you like to see within the regulatory environment, to help make your value proposition more relevant?

More videos from Chandrima Das, Bento

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