Asian Wealth Solutions Forum 2019 - Highlights - Lee Woon Shiu

Woon Shiu Lee of DBS Private Bank

Nov 13, 2019

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1. What are the opportunities and challenges for this industry?

Video transcript

1. What are the opportunities and challenges for this industry?

Bankers who want to really have a meaningful and sustainable conversation with the entire family, not just one off. They need to really pitch their ideas in a way that's convincing. And doing that will entail understanding the client's entire profiles, demographics, and exposures, and that will necessarily require them to do a needs-based analysis. So, which is why RMs or bankers who are taking a shortcut cut and say, "Let's do a quick fix. Let's talk about products," they're missing the entire forest for just the trees, which is a real pity, because if they really want to be the primary banker for the families, going deep is the only way to really reach the end line and be the ultimate winner.

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