
DBS Bank India: Women and Finance

DBS Bank India, in partnership with CRISIL, has undertaken a comprehensive study to understand the way urban Indian women plan, prioritise, and manage their money.

Based on a survey designed to unveil the financial preferences of women, the report covers insights from both salaried and self-employed individuals across various life stages. It delves into their behaviours, encompassing aspects such as their involvement in financial decision-making, goal setting, saving, and investing patterns, adoption of digital tools, as well as their preferences for different banking products.

The DBS Women and Finance study delves into the multitude of factors that shape the financial behaviour of women in India, specifically independent income earners in the metros. It examines the influence of dependants in shaping financial decisions, the evolution of financial priorities and women's preferences when it comes to digitalisation, while highlighting the immense potential that lies untapped within this demographic.

The insights gained from this study will not only benefit us, but also have implications for policymaking, the financial sector, and society at large. It will enable us to design products and services that better cater to the financial aspirations and break down barriers faced by women. More importantly, it will allow us to participate in an important conversation on female financial empowerment and amplify perspectives that need to be heard.

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