Growing pains of the fee only approach

Paul Gambles of MBMG Group

Mar 6, 2018

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1. 6 years ago you took the decision to go fee only. Are you still happy that you did that?

2. Are you surprised that more firms have not gone fee only in their approach in Asia?

3. Given that you're fee only - can you justify that that makes any difference to delivering long term performance to your clients and genuinely delivering upon their needs?

4. Why is a fee only approach good for the IFA practice?

Video transcript

1. 6 years ago you took the decision to go fee only. Are you still happy that you did that?

2. Are you surprised that more firms have not gone fee only in their approach in Asia?

3. Given that you're fee only - can you justify that that makes any difference to delivering long term performance to your clients and genuinely delivering upon their needs?

4. Why is a fee only approach good for the IFA practice?