Asian Wealth Solutions Forum 2019 - Exclusive Insights - Edmund Leow - 2

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1. Are trusts, private trust companies, offshore corporate structures or fund-related structures in favour?

Video transcript

1. Are trusts, private trust companies, offshore corporate structures or fund-related structures in favour?

Structures have always been used for decades. And the reality is that people will still need to use struc-tures of some sort. But if clients find that offshore jurisdictions can no longer be used, whether it's be-cause of economic substance, or because of CRS, or because of registers or beneficial owners or any other reasons, then they will find that they may need to shift. And that's when they start looking at off-shore jurisdictions. And in a country like Singapore, we are obviously seeing a lot of that impact, be-cause lots of clients are actually coming to us in order to make comparisons between Singapore and offshore jurisdictions that they are currently using. And some of them are then deciding that maybe they need to shift.

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