Asian Wealth Solutions Forum 2019 - Exclusive Insights - Anuj Kagalwala - 2

Anuj Kagalwala of PwC

Nov 13, 2019

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1. Is the Singapore Variable Capital Company (VACC) a game-changer?

Video transcript

1. Is the Singapore Variable Capital Company (VACC) a game-changer?

Singapore Variable Capital Company is a new legal framework that's available to set up investment vehicles. Now, I don't think that itself is a game changer in the private client's space, but it's definitely an additional option that clients will have when they want to set up their holding structures in Singa-pore. So, let's consider what are the advantages of a VCC, as we call it. The first advantage is that there's confidentiality; the shareholder names, the financial statements of a VCC are not publicly avail-able. In addition to that, there are some flexibilities in terms of repatriation of capital, and also the segregation of the VCC into various sub-funds. So there are advantages, but I say even without the VCC, Singapore is going through a significant growth in the sector, and the VCC we will just further that growth.

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