Peggy Chiu


Baker McKenzie


Peggy has considerable experience in assisting and representing clients in banking and finance matters, in particular in fintech and innovation, regulatory compliance, private banking and financing projects. She has assisted non-bank clients utilizing the sandbox platform and other channels to discuss with various regulators. Her practice is focused on identifying practical solutions for innovative business models, including digital tokens and other new payment solutions. Peggy is also focusing on wealth management areas. As both a lawyer and a certified public accountant, she can provide total solution and thorough consideration for high net-worth clients from both legal and tax perspectives. She is specialized in cross-border planning and corporate restructuring for dual nationalities clients and their heirs and cross-jurisdiction family estate.

邱律師專精於銀行相關法律事務,除專長於傳統融資領域外,亦致力於數位金融科技與創新發展,為金融創新園區法律顧問,並同時專長於家族傳承規劃、為客戶面臨洗錢防制審查提供解決方案,並針對個案提供信託、保險、公司重組、遷冊、經濟實質遵循及私人銀行稅務法律相關服務。 在金融創新領域中,邱律師特別專長於支付解決方案、開放銀行、數位貨幣及輔導客戶進入沙盒實驗或試辦。在私人銀行業務中,邱律師特別專長個人/家族傳承及企業重組規劃。 邱律師有超過4年的銀行法務/法遵/公司秘書經驗,對於銀行及公司實務運作相當熟悉,相較於一般律師,邱律師更能以公司內部人之思維及管理模式提供客戶務實的法律意見,其具有之會計師、律師雙執照、雙學位之背景,使其更能兼顧客戶之財務面及法律面。